An interesting survey indicated that tablet users spend 50% more on online purchases than phone users. Survey was undertaken by Adobe Digital Marketing Insights which reported some exciting numbers. Purchases by tablet users are also 20% more compared to users of personal computers (notebooks and desktops).

Report for 2011 analysed 16.2 billion transactions made online collecting sources from top 150 U.S retailers. Average buying rate was also high for tablet customers; every tablet customer who visited retailer’s websites from their tablets are three times more likely to buy something than those who are using smartphone to access the same site.
Also, there were details about amount spent on an average, per purchase in the report. Average amount spent per purchase in 2011 for tablet users was $123, smartphone users was $80; computers on a higher side than smartphones at $102.
This was quite surprising because 2011 was a year of smartphones and amount spent from these were less. Is it reflecting the actual trend of users? Is it that tablets are more comfortable for browsing than computers and smartphones? Well, with many smartphones lined up this year, it would be interesting to watch out such reports next year.
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