Amazon is now offering users with a better reading experience on the Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi edition at a reduced price of US $139 (works out to Rs. 6100 in Indian currency). The actual price of the Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi, 6 inch screen edition is around US $189. This $50 dip in the price of the kindle 3G+Wi-Fi comes as a result of a tie up with AT&T.

Another thing is that if you buy this reduced price edition of Kindle 3G + WiFi you will be compelled to view advertisements on the Kindle either at the bottom of the screen or advertisements in the form of screensavers. Amazon claims that, these advertisements will not interrupt your reading in any way.
Buy Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi Edition @ US $139 →
However, you do have the choice of selecting the kind of advertisements that show up on your Kindle. These preferences can be set using the Free Kindle app called the Amazon Admash. You can also opt for the regular Amazon Kindle 3G + Wifi without this offer which retails at the price of US $ 189.
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