Samsung is feeling the heat from Apple with sales of iPhone 4S dominating the market in US. Though the Smartphone specialist recorded sales of 33 million units in recent past, 37 million units of iPhones is definitely a raising concern. One can still admire the closeness Samsung has got with Apple in terms of sales.

Witnessing a great rise all through the year, Samsung now saw Android losing market share for the first time. Apple also recorded astonishing sales in US with 80percent of 9.4 million activations from AT&T being iPhones and Verizon reporting 56percent of its activations to be Apple products. Other companies like LG and HTC have already reported losses in the previous quarter.
It can be considered as a competition between Android and iOS, with later trying to dominate yet again over the former. Other companies should also plan properly if their device can survive in this highly competent market or not. We have earlier told you about Samsung’s record breaking sales figures of Samsung Galaxy S handset.
With boosting sales of iPhone 4S, Apple is all set to regain its old glory with a recent survey revealing that 40 million iPhones will be sold only in China in the coming two years. These are nervous moments for Samsung which has obtained good market share. Numbers can become unpredictable in future.
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