Tablets News - Latest Tablets information - Page 17

BlackBerry Playbook

BlackBerry Playbook Prices Slashed by 60% – RIM Following HP?

RIM Blackberry playbook was launched amidst great hopes earlier this year with a $499. Again, few months ago, the price dropped to $299 through a combination of credits and rebates from retailers like Bestbuy. But news is that RIM has reduced its price further to $199 thats approx Rs. 10000/- in Indian currency. Isn’t that … Continue reading BlackBerry Playbook Prices Slashed by 60% – RIM Following HP?

Microsoft Surface - Samsung Sur Tablet Pics. Priced at $7600

Microsoft Surface Available For Consumers As Samsung Sur Tablet

Great news for all the business customers out there! The winner of 2011 “Best of What’s New” award from Popular Science magazine, the Samsung SUR40 is now available for pre-order with Microsoft surface. After its initial launch in 2008 the Microsoft Surface has not been seen in use as much as it was expected. But … Continue reading Microsoft Surface Available For Consumers As Samsung Sur Tablet

18.7 Million Tablets Sold Worldwide In 3 Months; iPad Market Share Grows To 70%

Its raining tablets worldwide. Tablets have suddenly become the in-thing and everyone wants a tablet now. Frankly speaking, it reminds me of the early 2000’s when mobile phones were new and everyone wanted to have one! And no doubt, the tablet makers of today are definitely making a killing meeting the tablet demands of millions … Continue reading 18.7 Million Tablets Sold Worldwide In 3 Months; iPad Market Share Grows To 70%