Looks like Android is going to have a new competitor in the form of Limo 4 Mobile Operating system, which was unveiled yesterday by the Limo Foundation. If you are not aware of the Limo foundation, it is just another group of Mobile Device vendors and network carriers just like Android (before getting acquired by … Continue reading Limo 4 OS Launched – Devices Expected Soon
Applications News - Latest Applications information - Page 12

This year’s Mobile World Congress Event (MCW 2011) is scheduled to start from 14th February and will will through 17th February. For all those who are planning to visit the MWC this year, downloading the Official MWC mobile application is a must. The app is packed with useful information like exhibition floor plans, exhibitor listing, … Continue reading Download The Official MWC 2011 Mobile App

How To Prevent Samsung WP7 Device Relocking, Increase App Sideloading Limit?
You just unlocked your all new Windows Phone 7 powered Samsung mobile phone and device relocked itself? Don’t worry, here is a small tool from a XDA-Developers user, called Samsung Tools that will not only prevent device relocking and it also lets you set the device to allow maximum number of apps that you want … Continue reading How To Prevent Samsung WP7 Device Relocking, Increase App Sideloading Limit?
Sony has announced its first official PlayStation app for the iOS and Android platforms and this is very different from the mobile gaming platform which Sony is already working on.
The CES 2011 team has released an interactive smartphone application called “Follow Me” that features real-time show alerts and interactive floor maps of the CES 2011 venue.
Discovery of a third-party application available in the Windows Phone Marketplace has led to the possibility of a Windows Phone 7 jailbreak. This application uses “native” code and not the Silverlight-managed code that all other non-Microsoft apps should run.