While everyone has been waiting for the first Honeycomb tablet, Xoom, some hacker in the XDA Forums has ported Honeycomb to the Nook Color. The Honeycomb ROM is compiled using the Honeycomb preview SDK that Google released a couple of days back. The ROM is quite rough right now though. The touchscreen is working but … Continue reading Honeycomb Arrives In The Nook Color→
In yesterday’s earnings call, Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha has announced the release dates for the devices they showed off in CES 2011. According to Jha, Atrix 4G will be released in late February and the 3G version of its Honeycomb tablet Xoom is also stated for a late February release. He, however, mentioned that the … Continue reading Motorola Atrix 4G And Xoom 3G Coming in Late February; Xoom LTE And Bionic In Q2 2011→
With everyone buzzing about tablets, can Nokia be left far behind? Apparently, Nokia is also planning their very own MeeGo tablet. According to many, Nokia put their unnamed tablet in the movie TRON: Legacy. Here are a couple of screenshots of the said tablet. If this thing is indeed what it is said to be, … Continue reading Did Nokia’s MeeGo Tablet Make An Appearance In TRON: Legacy?→
We came across these pictures of a device which is rumored to be the Nokia’s MeeGo tablet. But we are not very sure about it as a first look at the pictures made us feel that it is a Nokia N900. However, on closer examination took off a few doubts from our mind.
Motorola’s new tablet, Xoom, is turning out to be one of the hottest tablets around. True, it is not released yet but the expectation surrounding it is enormous. That expectation is partly fuelled by its amazing specifications and Android 3.0 Honeycomb and the fact that it got the best gadget and best tablet awards in … Continue reading Motorola Xoom’s Mystery Sensor – A Barometer→
After a lot of teasing, Motorola has finally announced the first Honeycomb tablet – Motorola Xoom. With Xoom, Motorola has decided to go with a 10.1-inch screen and vanilla Android 3.0 Honeycomb. The tablet is powered by a dual-core Tegra 2 processor running at 1GHz and has a 1GB DDR2 RAM. The 10.1-inch screen sports … Continue reading Motorola Xoom Officially Announced – The First Honeycomb Tablet→