Samsung Continuum: Dual AMOLED Touchscreen Phone

We have been seeing new phones these days which sport huge Amoled and Super Amoled screens. Well, how about a smart phone powered by Dual Amoled screens? Here you are, presenting the all new Samsung Continuum. This phone boasts of  a 3.4-inch Super AMOLED as the prime display and a 1.8-inch ticker display.

Samsung Continuum
Samsung Continuum - Dual Screen Amoled Phone

The main attraction on this touch screen phone is the ticker display. These are not two separate displays  but it is one large Super AMOLED display that has been divided with a printed bar towards the lower half of the screen. The device runs Android 2.1 and has the capabilities of running Android 2.2 too. This phone is a complete sweet spot for touch screen fanatics.

Samsung Continuum next to a Samsung Galaxy
Samsung Continuum next to a Samsung Galaxy

For more pictures of the Samsung Continuum and it’s unboxing, head over to Slashgear / Android community .

Images and Tip via androidcommunity

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